Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Questions and Answers

  • The Young Assyrians (TYA) is a dynamic youth-led organisation committed to the advancement of the cultural, political, and social interests of Indigenous Assyrians. Our mission is to empower Assyrian youth through advocacy, community engagement, and education on issues impacting the Assyrian nation in their Traditional Homeland (Assyria) and around the world.

  • TYA operates primarily in Australia, serving as a hub for advocacy, cultural promotion, and community engagement within the Assyrian-Australian community. However, our reach extends far beyond Australia.

    We are proud to have a diverse and growing network of members and supporters worldwide. This global presence allows us to collaborate on international projects, advocate for Assyrian rights on a larger scale, and foster a sense of unity among Assyrians across different countries.

  • Joining TYA is easy! Click here for more information on how to become a member.

  • TYA organises a wide range of activities and events designed to engage, educate, and empower the Assyrian community. Our offerings include:

    Advocacy Campaigns

    TYA actively participates in and organises advocacy campaigns to raise awareness about issues affecting the Assyrian community, such as human rights and social justice. We work with local and international partners to amplify our impact.

    Cultural Heritage

    We host events that celebrate Assyrian cultural heritage, such as the Assyrian New Year Festival, exhibitions, and historical commemorations. These events aim to preserve and promote our rich legacy.

    Educational Workshops

    Our workshops cover various topics, including professional development sessions, and youth leadership training. These workshops provide valuable knowledge and skills to our members.

    Social Gatherings

    We believe in the power of community bonding. Our social events, including networking events offer opportunities for members to connect, build relationships, and enjoy shared experiences.

    Conferences and Symposiums

    TYA organises and participates in conferences, panel discussions, and symposiums to facilitate dialogue on critical issues, promote academic research, and foster collaboration among thought leaders and experts.

    By offering such a diverse array of activities and events, TYA strives to create an inclusive, vibrant, and supportive community for Assyrians and all those interested in our mission.

  • Participation in TYA events is open to all members and supporters. We host a diverse range of activities throughout the year, and we encourage everyone to get involved. To stay informed about our upcoming events, follow us on our social media platforms, where we regularly post updates and announcements.

  • Our public events include cultural festivals, community outreach programs, and educational workshops. However, we also host exclusive events for our members, such as special networking sessions, member-only workshops, and strategic planning meetings.

    These exclusive events offer our members additional benefits, including more intimate access to our leadership team, deeper engagement in our initiatives, and opportunities for personal and professional development within the TYA community.

  • As a registered member, you gain exclusive access to a variety of special events and programs designed to enrich your experience and involvement with our Assyrian-Australian community. Members are invited to attend members-only gatherings, receive early registration for popular events, and have the opportunity to participate in unique workshops and networking sessions.

  • No, TYA does not donate or provide funding to other organisations. Our resources are dedicated exclusively to supporting our own programs and initiatives so that we can effectively serve the interests of the Assyrian-Australian community.

  • Building strong and lasting partnerships is fundamental to our mission of fostering a robust Assyrian community. We invite organisations that share our values and mission to collaborate with us on joint projects, co-host events, and support each other's initiatives to make a greater impact, both in Australia and globally. Click here to speak with one of our team members about partnership opportunities.